Saturday, April 30, 2011

When and what to eat before you exercise

This is a question that still puzzles me.  I exercise in the mornings and usually I just go for a run or exercise on an empty stomach.  Most experts warn against this practice but for reasons I cannot explain it works for me.  The only time I really worry about what to eat before exercising is prior to a race.  Sometimes a slice of whole grain bread with peanut butter is sufficient.  But I am slowly moving towards the suggested routine for food and drink prior to a workout.  Here is what the professionals at the Mayo Clinic suggest you do in order to maximize your pre-workout meal to insure best performance.
-When to eat:
If you consume a large meal you should wait between 3 to 4 hours before exercising
If you consume a small meal wait 2 to 3 hours before you work-out
If you consume a snack, you can exercise an hour after
-What to eat:
A “meal” prior to working out can consist of your favorite lean meats, grains and vegetables.  While a “snack” can be a granola bar, banana, nuts, dry fruits or yogurt.
-When to drink:
 The American College of Sports Medicine suggests the following liquid intake:
Drink 2 to 3 cups of water throughout the 2 to 3 hours before your workout
Drink about a cup of water throughout your work out every 20 minutes
Remember if your exercise routine is longer than an hour, you may want to have a sports drink to maintain your electrolytes
By properly fueling your body prior to a work-out you can get the most out of your exercise routine.  You will also be more likely to stay on track during the work-out as well as returning to it the next day.  And any time you are mindful of your food and liquid intake, you will likely make better food choices that will benefit you before, during and after your workout!

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