Friday, July 1, 2011

Live a spa-like life daily!

Most of us equate the idea of beginning and maintaining a healthy lifestyle with lots of bland foods and loose fitting clothes.  I made the mistake a lot of us make by putting my life on hold until I was at my ideal weight.  But now I understand that we do not need to reach a magical number before we can start enjoying our life and bring some fun into our food, wardrobe and work out. 
My friend Beth has been a huge influence in my life.  The sassy senior lives a full and happy life and her secret is simple, she lives as if she resided in a spa.
For starters Beth eats lean and fresh foods served on white plates.  The colorful blend of spring lettuce with a variety of chopped vegetables and a piece of mahi begs to be eaten.  Lunch is served with a slice of whole grain bread loaded with bits of nuts and seeds.  Dessert is a tiny ramekin with one scoop of vanilla bean ice cream and fresh raspberries. A glistening glass filled with ice, sparkling water and a thin slice of lime transport you out of her tiny 1920’s bungalow and to a fabulous expensive resort.
Her influence is evident in not just what I eat but also in my work out.  Gone are the frumpy clothes.  I wear body conscious clothes that are not just stylish but also conducive to my work out.  No more baggy shorts to slow me down when I run, or loose t-shirts that keep me from seeing my biceps when I lift that dumbbell. I now dress for success.
The thing that appeals most to me about Beth’s lifestyle is how simple and serene it is in spite of her busy life that is filled with grandkids and travel. 
A healthy lifestyle does not have to be costly or complicated.  It can be as simple as just keeping all you consume lean while serving it beautifully for yourself.

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