Saturday, September 24, 2011

Train the BRAIN for a better YOU!

Whether you are just getting started, are looking for a jump start or are a seasoned vet of living healthy and fit, you can always benefit from a hearty dose of positivity!
Roger Bannister, the first runner to break the 4 minute mile said it best: “It is the brain, not the heart or lungs that is the critical organ. It’s the brain.” 
Professional athletes know the importance of keeping a positive attitude to improve their training and competition.  Their training routine will workout a variety of areas in the body but none more important than the brain. 
By harnessing the mind, you will have your best partner with you at all times.  Making a commitment to a fitness routine will be enhanced and failure-proofed if you use some of these techniques used by these great athletes:
  • “I am here to win” is the mantra and book title of Chris McCormack.  This Iron Man world champion used these 5 little words to move him to success.  When you make a declarative statement and then back it up with the necessary work - you will achieve far more than you had originally imagined.
  • "If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome."  Michael Jordan has had a ringside seat to some great success and disappointing failures but he has often reported that he never goes into any situation believing he will fail.  He always tells himself he will absolutely win.
  • “I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath 
your feet.”  Training your mind to see failure or fatigue as a motivator rather than the enemy is how
Nadia Comaneci gained her Olympic success. 
Your mind will be your most important resource to motivate your health and fitness routine.  Train it to work for you by feeding yourself empowering and positive information about yourself and your goals.  While you feed your body healthy foods make sure you feed your mind healthy thoughts!

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